Sunday, July 20, 2008


"Travelers tip of the week" is a forum style discussion on topics and questions I receive from readers, friends, haters and the likes regarding a wide range of topics. In the premiere tip I have decided to open a basic honest discussion regarding what was supposed to be a read by a friend. Only the friend had no clue he had the right person for the challenge!
The conversation started around what our plans for the summer were and quickly moved in the direction of the persons disgust for people who spend all of their hard earned dollars to go to foreign places just for sex. Needless to say this enraged me on several levels. Firstly, is this what a so called friend really thought of me as a broke brother flying to another country just for a sexual tryst. Secondly, that I don't have the resources to afford my adventures whatever or where ever they may be and finally the lack of culture and sophistication of someone I had actually considered a worldly person. Just another example of our acquaintances who spend all their money and efforts on designer clothing and apparel. The latest in high fashion footwear and the likes yet lack the knowledge of the origins of the goods. You may look like a million but have the sophistication and culture of a maggot. (oops get off the soap box bitch!)
Lets jump right into this drama, WE NOW LIVE IN A GLOBAL SOCIETY and have been for a very long time. People need to wake up and understand that there is so much more in the world other than "down south", Cali and fried chicken. My home base of New York is a prime example of how many languages, cultures and foods that can now be found in the major cities of the US. It is impossible to realistically live in the USA and not encounter any host of foreign languages in our children's schools, at the office and while searching through thousands of new, different and exciting products in the bodegas, artisan markets and specialty stores. Hell, what ever happened to the simple cup of coffee, I think it is some place behind the lattes and double espressos.
Success in America is now defined by one's ability to actively live in a global community. I am a successful Executive Chef and much of that success has been earned because of my citizenship in the world at large not just of the USA or Brooklyn. My culinary repertoire and skills have taken a huge economic & financial boost because of my abilities in international cookery. I have invested in myself to be able to afford to explore the world. My conversational knowledge of 3 languages and very importantly my ability to speak English correctly has helped make it affordable. My personal palate has expanded to feel equally stuffed with a plate of collard greens and BBQ chicken as I am with Arroz con Pollo and Christmas Pudding. I can travel up and down the tube in London with the same precision I travel the tap tap in Haiti or the qua qua in DR. I can calculate money in pounds, peso's, CFA and euro's almost as fast as I can count dollars. I like to think of myself as a cultured and learned brother who has visited the equator on opposite sides of the world, swam in 3 different oceans and understands why wearing shorts in public in the US is so different from wearing shorts in public in the major cities of the world! (for those of you who don't know, it is culturally incorrect and instantly identifies you as a tourist or of the lower social class)
It is so exciting to see different political processes and climates other than our so called "democracy." It is very dramatic to see a person beat down or stoned for stealing something, the police/ military will eventually come to take the person to the clinic or to be buried. To learn that many cultures squat instead of sitting (really difficult to use the shiny rock, leaf or paper afterwards) It is confusing to see not men & women walking down the street holding hands but only men and men because it is against the law for women to expose flesh or touch men other than their immediate families in public. I like visiting friends who live in different parts of the world because there are so many very beautiful people with stories and experiences to share.
The beaches, parties and fiestas are off the hook to say the least. ABSOLUTELY the sex is hot and straight up off the chain but that's after a day of doing so many other things. For me personally I enjoy other cultures, foods and camaraderie with friends new and old all over the world. Since I have the means to do it why not. I can relate to the people who made $00.30 an hour to make my Phat Farm jeans or $00.40 an hour to make my Air Force One's or Prada sneakers. Some where in my heart I probably also understand why they risk their loves to cross the ocean on a rickety raft so their children can go to school free of charge.

I open the discussion to your opinions and thoughts? Come on don't be bashful.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ty:

New to your blog and I love it. Came to it from Tropical Desires.

A propos your topic, check out the 44 comments on the "Cautionary Tale" section of Anthony Montgomery's blog at

Lots of differing opinions, but I kind of subscribe to yours.

TY said...

Thanks for the love, the "Cautionary Tale" inspired this weeks tip discussion from a more pratical apporach!