Friday, September 25, 2009


Increasingly during my travels I encounter "the sisters" who look so real that it blows my mind. I have found myself cruising more than one of our sisters who look better than the brothers. Much to do was made about this and featured in a local documentary that recieved over whelming praise and awards world wide recently. The Aggressives took an indepth and personal look intothe world and families of "The Aggressives!" Lets see how you do? Which ones of these gentlemen do you think are real gentlemen and which ones are just "gentle" men?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Traditionally, African American Day has been a much celebrated event in NYC. However, as more ethnic groups assimilate into the African American Community an increasingly growing number of Black Americans are opting to abandon their own culture, heritage and traditions including holidays and cultural celebrations. The once very popular and well attended African American Day Parade is now victim to this growing trend. One of the contributing factors during the past five or six years the organizers have failed to keep the parade relevant and appealing to the community at large. Many blacks now choose to attend the more popular and better organized Peurto Rican and Dominican Day Parades in Manhattan. This year's parade was the worse it has ever been. Firstly, all major parades in the city are held on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The entire notion of hosting the parade in Harlem has long been a bust. Harlem residents "alone" see Harlem as the center of the black community in NYC. Long gone are the days when Harlem was recognized as "the Mecca" with the likes of the Apollo Theater and 125th Street headlining. Today's Black Culture and Community in NYC is far more diverse and evenly distributed across the 5 boroughs. The organizers should consider moving the parade to Fifth Avenue to incorporate all of the black communities into the celebration.Secondly, because of poor advertising and promotion. Community support and participation has dwindled year after year to a handful of people. All of the other cultural events and parades in the city are prominently advertised by local community calendars, posters in the transit hubs and on the radio stations as community service announcements. The African American Day Parade was not publicized in print or radio anywhere within the community. It was a very short string of groups that were separated by 20 minutes between each group. 12 bands and groups from "Baltimore, Maryland" and 7 groups from surrounding counties and cities within New York State provided the bulk of the parade. The biggest embarrassment was the fact that only 8 groups from the 5 boroughs and they were civil service employee groups - fire, police, sanitation and correction departments. The largest non civil service group that participated was The Fraternal Orders of Masons and Eastern Stars. The Islamic Brothers and Sisters of Harlem looked fabulous and very well groomed as always. The only radio station that participated was "WBLS" and the only community leaders and politicians that attended were those running for public office this year - John Liu (running for comptroller), Bill Thompson (running for mayor), Bill de Blasio (running for public advocate), The hot and enticing NYC GYM BOYS kept the girls (and fellas) screaming all day! Noticeably absent were any celebrities or personalities from the black community at large. 6 people from Al Sharpton's Action Network marched but Al Sharpton was no where to be found. A sad commentary given the wealth of talent and star power that call NYC home. It is better to not hold the event if organizers cannot realize they are loosing the trust and respect of the community sponsoring such as a fiascoFinally, the organizers must keep the parade and events relevant to the times. The majority of the observers who came out for the parade were either under the age of 12or older than 45. The parade should attract and be appealing to all members of the community. The police presence was so overwhelming that it appeared as if it was a police event. Police should be present but not so promenent that they create an atmosphere where everyone is anticipating an waiting for trouble. It is safe to say that unless dramatic changes are made this parade will be a thing of the past!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Domincan "Motor Sport" enthusiasts in Santo Domingo are getting an official "Drift Track". Located on Av. Luperon, former site of Herrera Airport, the track is sponsored by AmBev Dominicana manufacturers of the popular beer Brahma, in coordination with Carlos Then of Then Projects. "The Brahma Light Drift Track" opens on September 19th.
Calvin Wan and Casper Canul of the American Drift Association are expected to attend the opening events. Popular Puerto Rican hip-hop band Calle 13 will be performing. The event starts at 2pm and costs RD$500 (roughly $16 USD). Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance online at

"Drifting" is a driving technique; a motor sport where the driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction in the rear wheels through turns while preserving vehicle control and a high exit speed. A car is said to be drifting when the rear slip angle is greater than the front slip angle prior to the corner apex, and the front wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn (e.g. car is turning left, wheels are pointed right or vice versa), and the driver is controlling these factors. As a motor sport, professional drifting competitions are held across the world. Carlos Rodriguez, president of the Dominican Drift Society says they have been practicing the sport for the past 10 compliments of the brothers at

Saturday, September 12, 2009


"A&E RECOVERY WALK and RALLY 2009"Well! Here we are again another end of Summer and the beginning of Fall 2009. The return to school, work and snuggle weather. The weekend after Labor Day is typically a stay at home weekend and this year is no exception. I decided to hang with friends who are celebrating "National Recovery Month". The main event of the NYC - NJ area was held Saturday at the Brooklyn Bridge. The event sponsored by The A&E network included a pre dawn social on the Manhattan side, the Recovery Walk across and the rally & concert featuring Smokey Robinson in Cadman Plaza on the Brooklyn Side. A few thousand recovering addicts, friends and service providers turned out in the wind & heavy rain that haunted the day. As a person not in the recovery community I was left with far more questions than answers but had a nice time and saw many familiar faces! There was a special salute to the thousands of LBGT persons on the road to recovery. Events are planned and scheduled during the month across the country!

Sunday, September 06, 2009


Next week September 8th represents the start of another beginning of school, work and all the official business of Fall, but for now, the next four days its "LABOR DAY WEEKEND 2009" and I'm chill'in in the sunny, hot and extreme La Republica Dominicana!

The roving eyes caught a glimpse of the impressingly handsome Henry who kept bugging us if he looked "guud" for those of you who wonder why Henry just returned home from a vacation stint in prison after shooting someone in a domestic dispute. By the looks of things he still has a lil sump'n sump'n going on!


Well the verdicts are in, the pictures are transferred and the pieces have been sent home but that hardly explains the great time that was had by all - locals, visitors and the undecided. By all accounts Friday night had the largest crowd and was the livelier party but nothing can be taken away from part two on Saturday night that easily held its own. Not only were the dancers HOT both nights but they knew how to work a room and a few other things! There was a shower tucked away in one of the corners and each of the dancers in turn made sure everyone knew they were on a hot tropical island shoot. On a personal note it was nice to go in EuKliPtus Bar & Lounge and not be hassled time you walk in the door to buy drinks for a change. Notable was the world-wide diversity of the crowd. Shout outs to all the brothers from Amsterdam, Atlanta, DC, NY and Paris. the festivities continued at Jay-Dee's Bar - Disco for the afterparty and was packed as well, Jerry the owner was busy manning and entertaining peeps at the back bar. The music was a nice mix and the party went on well into the morning heat!