One weekend a few years ago I was hanging out with the gang laughing, joking and having a good time. "Stellas" was the local strip bar known for weak but cheap drinks, attractive but hungry street hustlers and strippers. As was the routine back then we were checking out the Saturday Night Revue when one of them caught more than just my eye. What followed was a hot affair with plenty of sex, lies and drama. After more than a year of ups and downs we reached a fork in the road. It was time to take the next step and commit- Hit it one last time and move on- or put the rubbers away and "just be friends". This proved to be a far more complicated decision than I expected. Yeah, that trickster feelings had something to say about the whole thing! On the one hand I had become very fond of him. Hooked on that hot pot and wicked dip stick. The fact he was a latin lover was extra. BUT, there is always that BUT! he was a hustler, a stripper which meant he had a past! How could I commit and TRUST him? The people I trust most felt I should go with my heart and if it was what I wanted they could support it.

What do you think, what choice would or could you make? Do relationships kindled from these types of fires survive?

Hey he is hot but not lover material everybody is probably gettin it
I tried it with a stripper but for me...it wasn't something I felt comfortable with....So I wouldn't if I knew he was involved with "sex" in any type of fashion for his livlihood...!
But who knows.......maybe the "right" one may convince me :)
Never say never. At this point in my life I'd have to say no, but if a man is really into you and vice versa, then you MUST establish some ground rules. If the rules can't or aren't kept then it's hasta la vista. Good sex is not enough. If you intend for the relationship to grow then both parties have to have a plan to be more and better than they are at this moment. If he's a stripper/hustler when you met him then you best be trying to find out BEFORE hand whether that career is an option or if it's the only thing he can do.
Tough when the heart gets caught up with a stripper/hustler.
I think after awhile the issues of trust will always interrupt any chance for a peaceful realtionship.
(No matter how much you may want to believe him).
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