As the weather changes from hot to brisk to downright cold, the travel market shifts into the busy cruise season as travelers opt to sail the warm tropical waters of the world. So what is the big deal about sailing? Is it the right type of adventure for you? How and where does one begin?Cruising will be the next big boom in travel as the economy continues to find its way through the turmoil and drama of depression. Cruises are fantastic all inclusive bargains ranging from reasonable to absurd. Think activites, food and lodging all rolled up into one package with daily changing vistas and ports of call. No matter if you are a family, group or single! Cruisng offers something for everyone. Cruise Lines are many and even more numerous in their itenieries, services and costs. Cruise lines offer travelers opportunities to explore domestic and foriegn ports of call (destinations) without the necessities of passports and visas. Customs activities are completed onboard. Transfers and security clearance of luggage is handled at ship check-in and delivered to your cabin. Some cruise lines specialize in specific markets and pricing plans such as families, senior, LBGT and adventure travel. Much thought and consideration should be given to the type of adventure you desire, the location and type of cruiser you may be.Upon your arrival shipside you will process through three main registration points. The first will be at the departure hall where you will hand over all of your luggage except for a small hand bag or carry on that you are allowed to walk on. Your papers will be examined to ensure you are boarding the corect ship. You will be issued documentation for your luggage. You will then proceed to point two that is the actual beginning of the entrance on the ship. Your documentation will be verified and your picture will be taken as you verify payment has been comleted and you have been cleared homeland security and customs.You will be issued your ship ID and proceed onboard where you will begin the final check in that involves activating your ID card that is actually your cabin access key, credit card for all on board transactions and charges as well as your access key to board and exit the ship at ports of call.Finally on board and checked in you arrive at your cabin (hotel room). Cabins, sometimes called staterooms, vary from the simple to luxurious suites with over the top opulence. Cabins are classifed by their location, type of room and level of service offered.Basic cabin discriptions include the "Inside Cabin" that is on the lower end of the pricing scale because it is located on the inside of the ship, they do not have windows or balconies. The "Ocean View" so named because of their windows that give view to the open waterway, some have balconies. Finally the luxury suites with full balconies, bedrooms, dinningrooms and panaramic views are on the top tier of the pricing scales. Cabins are assigned a cabin boy or girl (housemen & maids)who take care of your cabin needs. You are expected to tip him or her at the end of the trip. (the suggested tip is $7 - $10.00 per day on board).
"THE FOOD" Without fail the most popular non stop activity onboard "24 hours per day" is eating. Numerous themed restaurants, pizzarias, cafes and room service serve a smorgasbord of international cuisine and favorites. The options vary from formal dress up in the main dinning room to causal pool deck cafes or 24 hour Room Service. Most food options are included in the cruise price. Soft drinks and juices are included. Specialty Restaurants and alcoholic beverages require addtional payment.
Guests may elect to eat at their assigned tables and dinning hour in the main dinning room or at their leisure in any of the other options. Some travelers enjoy onboard activites and events so they are best suited for packages that may offer more days at sea as opposed to more days in port. These floating cities offer everything from bowling alleys, gyms and casinos to pools, night clubs and braodway shows.
More adventurous travelers will be more impressed with the cruises that offer fewer days at sea more time in ports of call to enjoy day excursions and activites. Snorkeling, Swimming wit the dolphins and sight seeing are among the most poular. Families may want to plan a more balanced trip as day trips and activites in port can be very expensive when multiplied by the number of members in a family. An example can be a swim with the dolphins event that costs roughly $50.00 per person total family of four with pictures $250.00 Food on shore is not included and can be even more expensive as most of the places you encounter will be in heavily touristed areas. The alternate can be to plan a shorter day excursion and come back to the ship for meals. Cruises are definitely well worth investigating as affrodable travel and adventure options. Some of the more poular groups who host annual cruises are east coast based Ebony Pyramid Entertainment and west coast based Nubian Dreams Entertainment. For those of you who may be first time cruisers I highly recommend the "Funships on Canival Cruise Lines" because they are very reasonable with cool ships and great beginner destinations.
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