In a recent episode back on "The El Conde" I was pleasantly surprised that very little has changed.
Everyone still meets and greets at Paco's as the central watering hole. The prices are up slightly but the atmosphere and the staff are the same. The exchange rate remained around 34 the entire week. The curfew is still in effect so not much going on week nights after midnight. There is an entirely new cast of bougerones on the set in all varieties, sizes and colors. Most notably are how young they are these days. The old busted ones are still hanging around as well. Francisco is barred from Paco's for pimping young shoe shine boys to tourists and causing a big brawl when he stole $4000 RD from a Jamiacan who threatened to turn the place out. Silvio is strung out on drugs and looks really bad. Raoul is looking better than ever! Softer than ever but all the same hot. Tony Salami is still on the set if you eat that sort of thing! Alejandro still not in good graces after being outed for the thief he is looks horrible.
There were a number of tourists, travelers and ex pats on the scene. Interesting was the large number of people who have moved to Santo Domingo. Clearly a large number of them need to come back home to the states. Why would you move to a foreign country to live in a squatters tent in an abandoned building smelling and looking fierce in public. Others in this tired new bohemian breed have fabulous rented apartments but no food in their homes. Am I missing the point why are they living poorer than the poorest people in a foreign country? They seem to meet on a daily basis to play cards, yes cards as in bid whist not dominoes at Paco's. The ha ha is the dominicans are whispering about how they buy 1 soda and sip on it all day while playing cards. We are not going to even begin to talk about the kidz running out owing months of rent and fleeing back to the states. All I can say is beware if your good judy calls and says she is moving back to the states and needs a place to crash for a few. Do yoursef a favor and tell her to sleep on the beach where she is!
I must mention some of the Ex pats I admire most for hanging in there and going strong. Anthony is still operating the Camillo Apartments and despite the whiners the palce is still amongst the favorites of seasoned and experienced travelers to Santo Domingo. The apartment hotel features 6 modestly furnished apartments- livingroom, kitchen, bath with microwave, free intenational telephonne and internet access. Maid service everyday except Sunday. There is no fee for visitors. Centrally located in the heart of a thriving residential neighborhood next to stores and local businesses, Close enogh but far enough away from all the action on "The Conde". My favorite feature is rolling up to my own apartment building without having to be scrutinized by a doorman or security person. Anthony is knowledgeable of American and Dominican cultures and eager to share information and tips to make your trip better.
Hotel Venezia is still open but charging a hefty $500 RD for day visitors and $1000 Rd for night visitors. The higher end Mecure and Hodelpa Caribe Hotels are open and still costly options for those of you seeking high end options. JDs is still open but charging $250 RD per person to get in which explains why there was only 12 people in there on Saturday night. A new spot called Eucalyptus was packed and nice located rightoff the Conde down from Bar Friends which was also open empty but open. The newest hot spot is free yep absolutely free, Parque Duarte is all the rage and a hell of a lot of fairy dust if get my drift. Basically it was nice to have a few old dates and see some old friends in firey hot weather in the beginning of July.
1 comment:
I just left Santo Domingo where I had a great stay at Camilo House. I did enjoy my time there and would definitely recommend it.
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