Sunday, September 19, 2010


1953 - 2009

Wow you are never expecting to get that call to say someone has made their home going, but when it is one of your closest and best friends it takes on a significantly different meaning. It effects the very core of your life from that moment on.
(pictured here the first person on the right)

This year I lost Jerry one of my two best friends in my life. No warning, no feeling just an awkward phone call to say he was found dead. Alone and discomforted, he passed away from complications of kidney disease and diabetes. Jerry was a fun loving bashful character who served in the US Army in Germany where he became very fond of cigarettes and beer. He was a financial acquisitions professional for Anne Taylor for the past 12 years.

Personally, I was very angry with Jerry for not saying bye, not having one last hurrah together in Santo Domingo, just one more weiner schnitzel and beer at our favorite German Restaurant. Most of all I felt profoundly alone, confused and afraid for my own immortality. Consciously I appeared to be fine but emotionally I was a wreck. I stopped taking my own diabetes medication, slipped into not shaving or giving a damn. Finally becoming so ill I had to be hospitalized where I realized I had to pull it together.

Only now am I able to say Jerry "I loved you my brother" thank you for being my friend, my brother and partner in crime. I cherish all the great moments we had together, thank you for understanding how I felt when I lost my boo and thank you for being in my life while you were.
Rest in peace and may god always hold you close.



Wow! Say it ain't so my favorite spot in the DR has finally bit the dust and closed it's doors. No details, no follow up just up and closed. The Camillo House Apartments better known as Anthony's place closed it doors quietly and mysteriously earlier this summer!

Anthony Montgomery, a native New yorker transplanted Dominican is one of the long time highly successful ex pats. Moving to Santo Domingo and quickly establishing himself as a promoter, tourism professional and local host all helped him become very well respected in the travel and entertainment industries. Anthony was instrumental and the force behind many bed and breakfast upstarts. He was also the ever informative editor of the "MONAGA" blog.

His most notable was the Camillo Houses on Calle de Padre Belini. The apartments well well kept, clean and centrally located for a very reasonable dollar. It is not known just what and how circumstances played out in the closing but is we know Anthony we have not heard the last from our resilient and enduring entrepreneur friend.

I am personally saddened because Anthony always knew exactly how and what I expected on my visits which were numerous over the years. I will miss apartment 6 on the front, our brief talks and laughs.