With such highly volatile stakes on the table so are the risks and dangers. Thousands of times every day these seemingly simple scenarios are played out all over the globe. Some become unnecessarily dangerous, harmful and even deadly because of basic mistakes and silliness. “Unnecessarily” because as one matures through the risqué world of sex for pay it is expected that the rules of engagement are learned and respected.
Above everything else, self preservation should be above anything else. No matter how excited, no matter how high or how good the sex is, you never sacrifice your personal safety for the thrill of “the nut”.
Be mindful of the warning signs such as personal intuition, overt aggressiveness and when things are as plain as the nose on your face. It is so cliché but true if it seems too good to be true it usually is. In a world where more people are meeting and connecting based upon pictures & profiles on the internet we need to be more perceptive, ask more questions and trust our intuition. In a recent deadly rendezvous in NYC a radio news reporter for ABC Radio hooked up with a "teen husler" who responded to his online Craigslist posting looking for rough sex for $60.00. George Weber a 12 year veteran of ABC Radio blew off ever rule of the game. He engaged a 16 year old, a child even in New York! He made no effort to find out any additional information about the teen who volunteered to authorities that he loved knives and violence. He also admitted “If you disrespect me, then I will fuck’in break your neck”.
Weber, 47, and the hustler allegedly drank Vodka and did cocaine before things got violent at the older man’s apartment. What a recipe for disaster, vodka, cocaine, knives, violent attitude and rough sex for $60.00. The results Weber was found stabbed nearly 50 times, his ankles bound with duct tape. The teen was found in a rural bus station unaffected by his actions. Police tracked the teen after using Weber's e-mail and phone records. He is expected to be charged with second degree murder adn criminal posession of a weapon.
In an unrelated incident a law school student was recently arrested in Boston, MA and charged with the murder of a young coed he met and courted on Craigslist. Such incidents are not limited to the U.S. but are occurring worldwide on a daily basis.